True Fractals Bands Indicator

True Fractals Bands Indicator for MT4

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MT4 Version
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Best MetaTrader Indicators and Highly Accurate Systems with Chart Templates for MT4 and MT5
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 11 reviews
 by Donavan Booysen

Hedging on a entry is very important if the resistance or support of your entry are broken, that means I don't have to use a stoploss. Plus it only shows entries which is good because other trading softwares use zig zag indicator properties, so it repaints every data the market makes before it reverse in real price action.
If you are trader for a long time this tool is my top performer because I hedge if the entry is broken waiting for the next entry. This software don't repaint after the closing of the candle which is perfect. I have back tested him it shows 97% return on every cycle. No reading of fundamental study. Just price action on the point.

 by hassan

It's the best indicator ...

 by CroGallus

How to trade with this indicator? Rules are???

 by SevaL

Excellent! Finally i know how to use it properly, it's excellent!

 by Brian

Works pretty well... Yes it repaints but risk managemant is key.

 by neil

For all the people saying it repaints, I hate to break it too you but the market is fluid constantly and in motion and despite what you have been told by every forex snake oil salesmen ALL indicators are lagging.
The definition of Indicator is to give an indication (just a hint in the direction), its not a magic crystal ball.
But I can imagine the majority of you are gooey eyed system ravens try a system/indicator then lose 3 or 4 times say its crap and go out looking for the next shiny box and most of you probably down on the m1/m5 charts looking to make 200% a day.
Here is a tip... put this indicator on a H4 chart add fibo s/r with daily and weekly pivots and only trade the signals at those pivot points.
You will hit a 60% plus win rate with a min 1 to 3 risk/reward.


This indicator is AMAZING! Оne of my best indicators. I DOnt trade WIthout it. YOU need to know FRACTALS Supports Resistences and Order Blocks if you dont know that this indicator will be a repainting for you but no for the real traders.

 by Vidales

Repaints A LOT

 by Keith

Just a wonderful tool!

 by George

I am yet to use it on a real account but i believe it will be awesome.

 by Tayyab Shahid

I think this is the best indicator I have ever used. No one indicator is perfext like this.