Elliot + Fibonacci Indicateur

Elliot + Fibonacci Indicateur for MT4

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MT4 Version
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Best MetaTrader Indicators and Highly Accurate Systems with Chart Templates for MT4 and MT5
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 11 reviews
 by Black pearl investments

Amazing if you know how to use it. Gain knowledge of Elliott wave and set your self a nice workable strategy and time frame and you will get some nice profits. Yes it repaints.
But that’s the idea. Studying it in your strategy tester will let you see just what you need to do and which wave to trade. With me it suddenly just appeared and I haven’t looked back.
Happy trading people.

 by Saif

Looks good

 by neji

Thank you so much! This is sincerely one of the best indicators I've ever found online! I'm using it with the JBR Trend and that's just insane!

 by ALEN

May we have a mt5 version pls?

 by horus

Not a good indicator.

 by Pascal

très mauvaise repeinture. je ne recommande pas.

 by Fredrik

Not the best indicator, it keeps repainting the legs with every lower move down or higher up....

 by sadeq

Creator of this indicator u own cant used best with this indicator but i very very very very tankyeooooo for ur create its perfect and perfect indicator if u know secret of use those awesome indicator.

 by Joshua

With a basic knowledge of Elliot waves and Fibonacci, making enormous profit with this indicator will be very easy. It has a good analysis set up. A lot of thanks to the brain(s) behind this site that provides lot of profitable indicators for free. I recommend traders to browse through and find indicators that suit their strategy. The paid ones are recommendable, too. I mean, if their indicators are profitable, why wouldn't the paid ones be?

 by Thomas Jähne

Wie wird der Indikator benutzt? Bitte Erklärung zu den Indikatoren zufügen.

 by akshay vedpathak

How it works???